Understanding CCS

Why It’s Beneficial

Child Care Services (CCS) Programis an initiative by the Texas Workforce Commission to help eligible families with low income cover the cost of daycare. Child care scholarships are available to help parents work, search for work, or attend school or job training. If you meet the financial qualifications, this program allows you to send your children to daycare, and the government will cover the costs.

We accept CCS kids and are here to assist you in navigating the program.

No Stigma, Just Support: There’s a common misconception that there’s a stigma attached to taking advantage of CCS, but this isn’t true. Utilizing CCS ensures that your child receives quality care and early education, which is essential for their development and your peace of mind.

Choose Quality: When choosing between free school programs and CCS-supported daycare, it’s crucial to consider the quality of care. At Learning Path Childcare, we offer a rich, engaging, and thoroughly supportive environment that stands out from other free programs.

Want to know more about CCS and how it works?

Call us today for more information and to explore how we can support your family!